High-Quality Representation
With A Personal Touch

DWI Charges: Don’t Let A Lapse In Judgement Derail Your Future

When you’ve been charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), you need a lawyer with extensive DWI defense experience. You’ll find that when you reach out to our attorneys at Winnie A. Bates, Attorney at Law. We will go over the facts of your case and explain your options for contesting or otherwise resolving the charges.

How Serious Is A DWI Charge?

In Texas, three DWI offenses can lead to a felony conviction. That conviction could result in:

  • A driver’s license suspension
  • A yearly surcharge on your license
  • Major fines
  • Jail time

When you work with our attorneys at Winnie A. Bates, Attorney at Law, we’ll do our best to minimize the charges and consequences you face. But it is important not to delay seeking help. The sooner you contact an attorney, the more legal options you may have.

Answers To Common DWI Questions

Our attorneys at Winnie A. Bates, Attorney at Law, understand the complexities of Texas DWI laws and the profound impact a DWI charge can have on your life. We’re here to provide clear answers to your questions and guide you through the legal process.

What happens when you get a DWI in Texas?

A DWI arrest in Texas triggers both criminal and administrative consequences. You’ll likely be booked into jail and face a criminal trial. Additionally, the Texas Department of Public Safety will initiate an administrative license revocation (ALR) process, which could result in the suspension of your driver’s license even before your criminal case is resolved.

What are the penalties for a first DUI in Texas?

A first-time DWI conviction in Texas carries penalties, including:

  • Fines up to $2,000
  • Jail time ranging from three to 180 days
  • Driver’s license suspension for up to one year

You might also be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle and complete a DWI education program.

Can you go to jail for a DWI in Texas?

Yes, even a first-time DWI offense in Texas can result in jail time. The minimum jail sentence is 72 hours, but it can extend to 180 days depending on the circumstances of your arrest, such as having a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or a minor in the vehicle.

Can a first-offense DWI be dismissed in Texas?

While it’s uncommon, there are circumstances where a first-offense DWI might be dismissed in Texas. This could involve challenging the legality of the traffic stop, the accuracy of the breath or blood test, or negotiating a plea bargain for a lesser charge.

How long is your license suspended after a DWI in Texas?

For a first DWI conviction, your license can be suspended for up to one year. However, you might be eligible for an occupational driver’s license (ODL) during the suspension period, which allows you to drive for essential purposes like work or school.

Facing a DWI charge in Texas can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our experienced lawyers at Winnie A. Bates, Attorney at Law, are ready to help you understand your options and build a strong defense strategy.

The Breakdown Of DWI Penalties In Texas

Texas has some of the harshest DWI penalties in the country. What specifically might you be facing with a DWI charge? It depends on the type of charge. Here are the possibilities.

First-Time DWI Offense

For a first-time offense, you may be looking at:

  • Jail time for up to 180 days, with a requirement to serve at least three days in prison
  • Fines totaling up to $2,000
  • Suspension of your driver’s license for up to a year

If you get probation, you will likely have to comply with numerous requirements, such as drug testing, community service, DWI education and even travel restrictions. Attorney Bates can help you navigate the charges in an effort to reduce or avoid these penalties.

Second DWI Offense

If you’ve had a prior conviction, a second offense can result in:

  • Jail time ranges from one month to a year, with a requirement to serve at least three days in prison
  • Fines totaling up to $4,000
  • Suspension of your driver’s license for up to two years

As with a first-time offense, probation for a second offense often imposes strict requirements in addition to these penalties.

Third DWI Offense

A third offense in Texas is a felony. That means you will be facing:

  • Jail time ranges from two to 10 years, with a requirement to serve at least 10 days
  • Fines totaling $10,000 or more
  • Suspension of your driver’s license for two years

As with other felonies, a felony DWI conviction can jeopardize your gun rights, voting rights, reputation, job prospects, housing prospects and other opportunities in life. It’s even more important to enlist a proven attorney like our team at Winnie A. Bates, Attorney at Law, to protect you from these harsh potential consequences.

Discuss Your Charges And Your Defense Options With A Knowledgeable Attorney

Located in Round Rock, our attorneys at Winnie A. Bates, Attorney at Law, serve clients throughout the surrounding areas of Texas. For a clear and honest assessment of your case, contact the firm to request an initial consultation. You can reach out online or call 512-877-6255.